
Showing posts from October, 2017


Beautiful Coreopsis Vibrant yellow flowers with varied colorful centers above full mounds of thin leaves. Coreopsis loves direct sun when established. Best blooming period is late Spring through early Fall. Established Mounds of Coreopsis Hardy and easy to grow once established, but needs tender loving care when transplanting. Transplanting Coreopsis You can propagate new plants by transplanting perennial Coreopsis. On a healthy mound of Coreopsis find a clump of leaves that you can divide safely and will leave enough on the original plant to survive. As you look at the plant you will notice that there are areas that are better to divide than others. Cut through the area that you have determined would be best, making sure to dig down far enough to get good roots. Plant in new location and give it tender loving care by keeping it watered and shaded if need be until it looks like it has taken hold of its new location. Transplanting is best to do during th

Simple Autumn Outdoor Table Decorations - Creating Beautiful Spaces

It's fun to create a beautiful fall outdoor table decoration and even more fun when it is this simple. Here is an old picnic table covered by a folded table cloth, placemat, flower center piece and a cozy loveseat at the end. Three Contrasting Colors with Same Center Piece A simple fall garden table decoration with three different table covering ideas. Traditional orange and green colors, a touch of red or even blue create three different styles to enjoy. This red striped table covering is really an old curtain that I use as an outdoor table covering now. It's so nice to be able to leave the covering outside and not worry about the wear and tear that the outdoor brings. I have washed this several times; it is beginning to show wear but has served me well. Thought I would throw in blue as a very contrasting color for a little twist on the season. Following up here with a different center piece and bringing in some Christmas season colors.

Inspiration From Aunt Hazel's Garden-Wonderful Possibilities

Life in Aunt Hazel’s Garden was a special place filled with color, wonder, scents and wonderful possibilities. I still get whiffs of scents that take me back to her garden. Aunt Hazel inspired me to love gardening by sharing her lovely garden and its produce with us as kids and her bringing of plants to my childhood home for me to learn to grow.