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There's a Frog in My Garden

A neon green Baja California Tree Frog in a planter surrounded by succulents.

There's a Frog in My Garden - Can You Find Him?

I'm so excited - I have a pet frog in my garden! Can you see it here? This one is easy, but the other pictures may get harder to spot him. I found out that my new buddy is a Baja California Treefrog. This one looks neon green to me - I love its color! This little guy is just over an inch in length and seems to love my planter here to rest in. Other tree frogs of this type also come in varying colors of brown, gray and dark green.

Okay now, the next pictures will get harder to find Froggy as I loving call him. Are you up to the challenge?

Froggy hiding in the corner of the planter and resting.

Froggy is Really Hiding Here - Do You See Him?

I would often find Froggy in this spot resting after being out in the big, vast garden.
If you are having trouble finding him here - go on to the other pictures further down - perhaps they will give you a clue.

Froggy is blending in with the plants making it hard to find him.

Look Closely for Froggy

Hint - he's blending in with the plants.

Froggy is hiding under the planter's ledge and you can see his profile well here.

Froggy's Profile

Do you see Froggy's profile? This picture might help you find Froggy in an earlier picture, if you had any trouble finding him. Froggy rarely seems to open his eyes for me, but you can see the outline of his eye pretty good in this picture. Do you see it?

Froggy is teasing us and making it hard to find him. He's just showing his face a little.

Froggy is Teasing Us Here - Can You Find His Hiding Place?

Froggy is using camouflage as his technique to hide from us here.

Froggy Camouflage

Froggy is using camouflage as his technique to hide from us here. He has disguised himself to look like his environment as many animals do.

Good Job! You probably found Froggy every time, but you can check your answers below. The pictures are in the same order as above.
Here are the answers to where Froggy is hiding in pictures 1, 2, and 3.
Here are the answers to where Froggy is hiding in pictures 4, 5, and 6.

I hope you had fun finding Froggy. I certainly have enjoyed having him in my garden. Soon I want to share with you some other special animals friends in my
garden - Lizards - so much fun to watch them run around in the sun!

🐸Linda and Froggy
